Monday, 30 May 2011

Hello My Name is Laryssa.

Wow..... long time.
Firstly let me apologise for disappearing off the face of the earth for the last 2months!!!
I guess there is no excuse as I made a promise to blog as part of my journey and simply I didnt do this and this is not good enough. This may also be related to the fact that my weightloss has slowed down?? Talk about a domino effect.
Now before you get carried away, I havent fallen off the wagon and put on weight or anything, but I will tell you of my progress in a  moment.
Just want to bring you up to speed on whats happened during April and May.
Firstly it was my birthday in April and we had a little shindig at our place which then turned into a family union/reunion with our first ever family photo, well the first time ever my father has had a photo with all four of his children, so was a pretty special weekend.
Then there was easter where I spent 6 days at our shack, which was bliss (thanks bro) and then more social commitments and then work came into it. For those that dont know Im also working from home doing work for Viva and PUSH, basically doing any computer and design jobs that need doing, so there was a week that every waking moment was spent on work and gym so the last thing I wanted to do was get on the computer again and write a blog.
This pretty much leads me to mid May where I decide to up my training from 6 days a week to twice a day Mon-Thurs and then once a day Fri and Sat (10 sessions per week) where I think I may have forgotten that when i used to train twice a day I actually used to sleep at night, so what happened? I got sick.... yep horrible head cold for a week!! Then... more work! So that pretty much brings me to last week!! So Im back into training and feeling good again! (Told you lifes been hectic!)

But like I said, I made a promise and I didnt deliver. It wasnt until I was confronted by a few fantastic Viva members and blog readers about the lack of blogging that I actually realised that I have let you down and that this blog has been inspiring others which at the end of the day is something I strive to do. So now! no matter how busy life is I PROMISE that I will set aside 20 minutes a week to share my journey. Thankyou Rachel for lighting that firecracker up my butt.

Well where am I at??
So as you can see above I had quite a few social occasions that involved food and alcohol and no training! So there were a few hiccups especially easter where I was too scared to step on the scales(because I may have broken them)  but I can pretty much say I would have put on 2 least.
So 13 weeks ago I started this journey at 102kg and am now 94kg...weighin is tomorrow so hopefully that number is lower yet again.
Now this is obviously not as good as I hoped but I can only move on from here. So back to 2 training sessions a day and back to planning and preparing my weeks meals.
Now for my small goal. Today is the 31st of May. I have surgery on the 27th of June, On that day I WILL be under 90kg. Which with weigh in tomorrow, this should be a very realistic and achievable goal.
How am I going to make this happen?
As I said above, my training and food will be the focus but to add to that, when I update you each week, I will write the weeks weight, which will keep me accountable to you all and myself and I feel will drive me to make sure I see the good results on the scales as I dont want to embarass myself by telling you my weight hasnt changed for the week.

So please keep me on my toes and I love your feedback so please leave me a comment after my blogs and let me know what you think and maybe where you're at with your training? Even ask me some questions etc. How cool would it be if we ended up getting a training group together! The "Bloggers" hahaha
Anyways I have work to do and a baby to feed!
See you tonight at Viva 6pm for Push_ KNOCKOUT!!