Friday 18 March 2011

Ummmm where did the week go??

So it feels like I only blogged yesterday but its been over a week!!
What happened week?
Well Thursday was Rena's group training followed by BodyBalance and Friday body attack of course!
Saturday I decided to step it up a notch and introduce "Superhero Saturday"!!
One of my closest friends Maddy is getting married in May and trains like a superstar so we decided to train together on saturdays, starting with the block run and then a kickboxing "superhero session"...
Let me just say that "exhausted" is an understatement.... we were absolutely knackered! But felt fantastic afterwards and ready for my treat meal which I had defenitely earnt!

So with the long weekend, on a personal note it was time I let my hair down. While Paul was away at the shack on a boys weekend, I got my ticket and my dancing shoes and headed to the Future Music Festival, while mum had Taya for her first sleepover!
I decided to be smart and had my cereal for breakfast and a chicken salad for lunch...then vodka for dinner...hahaha yep I spent the day drinking vodka...and dancing! I had an absolute ball and dont regret it at all! It just meant that I had to train even harder in the coming days and not expect a too big a number on the scales on wednesday!.
So hangover and all I trained in Dions class on tuesday night and surprisingly felt FANTASTIC afterwards!
Wednesday morning was weigh in day and I lost half a kilo....once again a little low but this brought me to nearly 5kg in my first month!! Im right on track!!
With that I trained with Dion and trained so hard that I wanted to cry?? Yep not about anything inparticular, I wasnt thinking about anything, I just had an overwhelming sensation to cry?? hmmm if anyone knows why, please tell me , that was really weird!!
Thursday would be the first day since returning to training that I have not felt up to it. I woke and really struggled to get out of bed.... maybe my lack of sleep, constant intense exercise, and a day of drinking had caught up with me!
So I did what I havent done in a long time and i lied on the couch with a blanket and skipped training :(
Maybe I needed a morning off, because Friday I was on fire!!! A day full of energy and I felt fantastic!
My food this week has been good but not great.... Im not sure why I just have this feeling.... the main problem is my portion sizes.... so that is my goal for the next week! Make sure you check up on me in the club!

Lastly I thought I would share a good recipe with you, its fast, tasty and extremely healthy!!
steam some bok choy and brocolini, cook a chicken breast on a grill then put aside.
In the pan cook 1 spring onion (finely chopped) for a few minutes, add a crushed clove of garlic, 1/4 cup chicken stock, 1/4 cup water and 3 heaped teaspoons of wholegrain mustard.... stir and let reduce then spoon this on to your chicken and veges!! mmmmm yum! and so easy!!

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